FISHMAN C200 After years of offering their removable wingslit based designs, the pickup giant has recently moved into the Piezo bridge market for violin and cello.


Fishman C-100 Fishman’s cello pickup is perhaps the most common cello pickup on the market (It’s the only one you are likely to find at your local Sam Ash or Guitar Center). The pickup wedges in to the wing slits of the bridge and is extremely easy to install and...


STRING AMP This unique system from Denmark is on of the only magnetic pickup systems available for bowed strings.  The system has to be installed by one of the few autorized violin shops, and for the test we used a 5 string set up in Denmark!  Because of this, we were...


The Realist The violin relative of Ned Steinberger and David Gage’s innovative design features a copper colored “sandwich” that requires semi permanent installation between the body and the bridge. The placement of the pickup is designed to give you the attack and...


MIGHTY MINI This pickup has become a favorite for gigging musicians and students due to it’s versatility, removability, and incredibly simple design.   The piezo element is encased in a faux leather strap which threads in the strings behind the bridge.