by | Jul 27, 2015
SoundClip50g The Soundclip has variable weights that can be added. This audio audio recording covers the Soundclip with 50g weight added.
by | Jul 27, 2015
SoundClip25g The Soundclip has variable weights that can be added. This audio audio recording covers the Soundclip with 25g weight added.
by | Jul 27, 2015
SoundClip 0g The Soundclip has variable weights that can be added. This audio audio recording covers the Soundclip with no weights added.
by | Jul 27, 2015
The Shadow 955 FX This pickup includes a built in preamp with tone control. Here is a recording of the pickup with the tone control all the way down.
by | Jul 27, 2015
The Shadow 955 FX This pickup includes a built in preamp with tone control. Here is a recording of the pickup with the tone control dead center.
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